5 reasons why Instagram is an efficient marketing tool

Most small businesses are concerned about what marketing strategies they would implement especially if they have a limited budget. Now is time for those to boost their business without being worried about the extent of resources they own. Unlike in the past, brand building and awareness have become much easier with social media platforms being one major part of everyone’s life. Therefore every business is now in a rush for their online presence on the top social media platforms. Because their sale is just a click away from the customer.

Different social media channels help you reach specific audiences. Among all those, Instagram has become the channel with the biggest successes. Since its launch in 2010, Instagram has taken the world by storm. With over one billion active monthly users and 500 million daily stories, Instagram has grown into the ultimate platform for sharing visual content. So it’s clear that Instagram isn’t just for personal use anymore. It is now a global platform where the businesses can build their brand, make awareness, and enhance sales.

Instagram helps businesses to promote their brands and products in a nice, authentic way without being too pushy. What’s more significant on Instagram compared to the other platforms is, users aren’t just active they’re engaged. 80% of Instagram users follow at least one business, and 72% of users say they’ve purchased a product they’ve seen on the platform.

Let’s see what Instagram has got to offer for businesses.


  • Pictures go a long way 

As it says “A picture worth a thousand words”, this has been one main reason lying behind the success of Instagram. The most popular post on Instagram is an image post. An authentic, quality picture goes a long way. It is important to remember that your followers always are looking for genuine posts from brands. You might be wondering how to capture the perfect, high-quality shot without having a high-quality camera. Not to worry! The phone camera is becoming so advanced that it beats even professional cameras. Moreover, amazing photography is no longer for those who have high-quality cameras but the ones with an artistic eye. Once you come up with a great, like-worthy picture or a video, the next thing you need to consider is a good caption which briefs the context to your audience. Always try to include a call-to-action in your caption. Encourage your followers to like, comment, repost, or direct them to your bio link.


  • All your customers are on Instagram 

One main reason to ensure your brand’s online presence is that your customers spend a considerable amount of time on these platforms. Moreover, Instagram users aren’t just active, they’re engaged. There’s a very good chance that your followers or anyone interested in your products check your profiles every day. With so many of your prospects using Instagram daily, this provides a great opportunity for you to reach your target audience smoothly. In other words, Instagram helps you go to your audience before the audience comes to you. When you build a loyal follower base, you can focus on converting your followers into actual customers. You can initiate with strategies such as promotions, giveaways, contests, and maybe live launches which help you keep your follower base constantly engaged with your brand.


  • There’s something special about hashtags

Hashtags have taken over the internet. A hashtag is a word or a phrase written without spaces and starts with the Hash sign. The great thing about hashtags is that it can be leveraged across multiple social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest. It is known that around 80 million photos are shared daily on the platform. With that much content, it may be hard for your profile to get noticed. That’s exactly where hashtags come in handy. Whenever a user searches a certain hashtag, the search results page shows a cluster of posts from a wide variety of users into one single feed. If your company already has a brand slogan or a phrase, you can make that your branded hashtag which will be free advertising.


  • Team up with the right industry influencer

This is one popular strategy that businesses; especially the newbies to Instagram employ. You might have to wait a little longer for your profile to be one top hit. Instead, some businesses collaborate with celebrities on Instagram who already have built up a strong follower base. Once you team-up with the perfect influencer who has an audience that is relevant to your product or service, this becomes the fastest way to reach your potential customers. Influencer posts use the fame of a well-known public figure to promote your brand. These posts often highlight the visual contents of the celebrity using or interacting with the product. Most of the people are buying products on social media platforms based on what they see in the feed from influencers they follow because they trust them.


  • Take the best out of Instagram tools 

Instagram ads are posts or stories that businesses pay to publish their pictures or videos on Instagram feeds. They are usual Instagram posts and stories which are often identified as ads with the “Sponsored” label on the top. Instagram ads have become a big hit on the platform where businesses can target their audience in a whole new way. Prior to Instagram ads being introduced, only your followers could see your feeds. Now, brands can promote their products to anyone that fits their target audience. You can decide your target audience, ad placement, ad format, and the time your post should be advertised. And the best part is you can control how much you need to spend on the advertisement, simply by setting an ad budget.

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